How long have you been in business?
Sandy Springs Press is a division of InsSoftware LLC established in 2005. The publishing division was created in 2020 to offer opportunities to a wider range of authors than traditional presses.
Are you an e-book or digital-only publisher?
Sandy Springs Press publishes in digital, paperback, hardback and audiobook formats.
What about promotion? Distribution? What do you do for your authors?
We aggressively promote all of our titles. Each title is reviewed and given a specialized strategy to enhance the book’s marketability. Sandy Springs Press titles can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, GooglePlay, iTunes, Kobo, OverDrive, and other outlets. We use Ingram to distribute to the major online retailers, bookstores, and libraries. We encourage professional reviewers to assess our titles, to interview our authors, and generate excitement about our releases. We provide ARCs (Advance Reading Copies) to interested parties. Click here to make a request.
Do you pay advances?
Advances against future royalties are not offered at this time.
What are your standard royalties?
Sandy Springs Press royalties are competitive with industry standards. Each title is negotiated with the author on a per title basis. Sandy Springs Press may ask for an interest in other rights, the acquired rights will vary by title.
What is the standard time from acceptance to publication?
Sandy Springs Press will publish all new titles within 18 months from the date that the contract is finalized.
What do you publish?
Sandy Springs Press welcomes submissions and proposals from authors and/or their agents.
For questions not listed and answered here, please submit inquiries to info@sandyspringspress.com.
For questions about submitted work please respond to submissions@sandyspringspress.com.